Mental Health 咨询 Services

Personal counseling is available to assist students in distress. 我们的执业辅导员为学生提供免费的短期或危机咨询. 如果需要长期帮助,学生将被转介到适当的外部资源. 

社区 资源

社区 资源 Guide 

需要社区资源信息的学生,如儿童保育, 医疗保健, and assistance for military families can access our 社区 Resource Guide. 所有列出的资源都是免费或低成本的,并且在贝尔及其周边县都可以使用. 

For 24-hour crisis counseling or referral information, dial 2-1-1 or 210-227-HELP(4357).

Strategies of Behavioral Intervention


澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区的行为干预策略(索比)政策是为了指导我们的学院社区认识到这一点而制定的, prevent and respond to incidents that are disruptive, 威胁, 或暴力.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • signs of harassment
  • 恐吓
  • 极度焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 威胁伤害
  • erratic behavior, or
  • disconnect from reality

When in doubt, please report!

More often, faculty and staff will observe and report at-risk behaviors; however, students are encouraged 审查索比指南,并向索比响应小组报告有关行为.

Take a Mental Health Test

大学生经历心理健康问题是很常见的, such as anxiety or 抑郁症. NLC咨询办公室在这里支持你,提醒你控制症状是可能的.

Take a Mental Health Test/Screening, by Mental Health America, 哪一种是评估精神健康状况症状的快速方法.



精神病 & Schizophrenia test

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Test

Prueba de Ansiedad

Postpartum Depression Test (New & Expecting Parents)


Parent Test: Your Child’s Mental Health


Self-injury survey


Eating Disorder Test

Youth Mental Health Test

Prueba de depresion


How to request counseling services?

Please complete 咨询 Request Form

请注意,此澳门正规博彩十大排行平台程序适用于非紧急日常情况, 如果您正在经历危机情况,请联系24小时危机求助热线1-800-316-9241或210-223-7233或国家预防自杀生命线1-800-273-8255


Contact Information

Faye Hallford, Personal Counselor

STCM 210 Student Commons


(210) 486-5179

危机线 1800-316-9241

Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (索比) Incident Form

Frequently Asked Questions

What counseling services are available?


How much does it cost and who qualifies for the service.

It is free of charge for enrolled students. 

How are services provided?


How do I refer a student 咨询?

咨询, along with other student services, 可能列在你的教学大纲里并且每学期都和学生一起复习.  你可以私下与学生见面,向他们提供有关心理咨询的信息以及其他校园资源.  Students apply through the link on our website.  http://www.阿拉莫.edu/nlc/experience-nlc/current-students/nighthawks-nest-advocacy-center/

在现场填写心理健康咨询服务申请表.  Our contact information is:  phone 210-486-5179 and email nlc-counseling@阿拉莫.edu.

How do we identify students who may need counseling?

有些学生会让你知道他们有问题,需要帮助.  Others may have behavioral signs, 比如眼泪, 愤怒, and being withdrawn, but may not ask for help.

Does the student have to have an appointment to meet with you?

No.  Students may drop in 咨询. 


一些教师/工作人员做了一个温暖的手,如送学生到我的 office and introducing us to each other.  They leave and I begin working with the student.  The warm handoff helps the student transition to me 咨询.  有时, 得到办公室信息的学生不会坚持到办公室来.  They are stressed and may not understand.

What concerns are addressed in counseling sessions?

关注的领域是学生认为在学业和人际关系中阻碍他们的压力源.  They may include but are not limited to, academic performance, anxiety or panic attacks, relationship losses, 抑郁症, wanting self-improvement, and adjustment to college.

What should I expect during a counseling session?

你将与一名硕士学位顾问会面约60分钟.  在治疗结束时,你和咨询师将讨论接下来的步骤.

What services are available for Faculty and Staff?
  • 咨询-辅导员很乐意就影响学生的各种情绪和行为问题提供咨询.
  • 外展服务-我们可以安排访问您的班级,并介绍各种主题:咨询服务概述, stress in college, healthy relationships, 和更多的.